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South Africa






Gas Solution Design

Installation & Service Team

Customer is First

Customer recognition is our driving force to keep moving forward

Container type nitrogen machine
Customer on-site inspection from Chile
Customers come to our factory in China to inspect their goods, and the quality products make customers very satisfied.
Cryogenic Liquid nitrogen plant
On-site learning from Indonesian customers
Indonesian customers to the Chinese factory acceptance of cryogenic air separation equipment, and training equipment operation knowledge.
Container type nitrogen machine
Philippine customer receives goods
Quality service, to ensure that customers receive products intact, get customer recognition.
Compact All-in-one Liquid Nitrogen Generator
Afghan customer video inspection
Before delivery, we will carry out inspection services to ensure that customers are delivered with the products they ordered, without deviation.
PSA Nitrogen Plant
Customer feedback after use in Tanzania
High-quality after-sales service to help customers solve the interference of the working condition environment, the stable operation of the machine won the trust of customers.
thank you letter
A letter of recommendation from a client
The customer is very satisfied with our machines and services, and is willing to help us recommend products to his compatriots. Thank you very much!

Oxygen generator remote boot demonstration video

Customers in Chile, for the aquaculture industry, use our machines for remote power-on operation demonstrations.

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